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How to deal with Adult Acne in men?

Created on 21th August 2023 by Avindo Gonsalves

What causes adult acne?

Skincare routine for adult acne

Diet and lifestyle factors

Products to avoid

When to see a doctor?


For most men, the problem of acne stops before they turn 25. But in some cases acne persists even for men in their 30’s and 40’s. This is due to hormonal fluctuations, genetics, diet, improper skincare or no skincare. Recently there have been studies that have shown that stress can exacerbate acne. 

In most cases acne can go away with a proper skincare routine. For adult acne a simple skincare routine that involves daily cleansing and moisturizing, and weekly exfoliation is beneficial. But it is important to religiously follow this skincare routine. In this blog post you will find effective skincare practices for men to deal with adult acne.

What causes acne in adult males?

As mentioned above there are many factors that contribute to adult acne. They are hormonal changes, genetics and lifestyle factors like stress. These causes interact in different complex and varied ways which leads to development of acne.

Hormones in males, like testosterone, can produce excess oil, which can clog skin pores. These clogged pores provide a favourable environment for acne-causing bacteria to grow. These hormonal changes can occur in adult males when they are stressed out.

If your parents or close relatives have a history of adult acne, you are more likely to develop it yourself. Your genes can influence your skin to produce oil and shed skin cells. Both factors are known to contribute to the development of acne.

Lifestyle factors that can develop acne are diet, stress, improper skincare, smoking and certain medications. Eating refined sugars and dairy products can lead to acne. Stress can lead to hormonal fluctuations and promote and development.

Poor skincare practices, like not cleansing properly or using harsh products can cause acne. Smoking and pollution, and certain medications can lead to acne.

Adult acne, is different from regular acne as it occurs in the mid-20s to 40s. It usually occurs on the lower face and jawline. It is mostly milder than teenage acne, but it is also more persistent.  Adult acne is not a health issue, but it can impact a man’s self-esteem and confidence.

Skincare routine for adult acne

A simple skincare routine that can treat adult acne consists of regular cleansing, treating and moisturizing. You can also exfoliate your face on a weekly basis if the above doesn’t seem to work. Use only gentle and non-comedogenic products that don’t the clog skin pores.


Cleansing is the first step in any skincare routine. This step helps to remove any dirt, oil or makeup that clogs the skin pores. You need to use a mild cleanser twice a day. Avoid over-cleansing as it can strip the skin of its natural oils.

Exfoliation and spot treatments

Exfoliation is a method by which you remove excess oil and dirt that is left after cleansing. This process cleanses your skin even more deeply. Use a chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid. This is a beta hydroxy acid that can deep cleanse any oil from skin pores.

Use benzoyl peroxide for spot treatment of acne. It has the ability to kill acne-causing bacteria. It can also reduce redness and swelling due to acne. Don’t forget to use sunscreen as it can make the skin sensitive to the sun.

Finally, avoid picking or popping the pimples. This can lead to scarring and spreading of the bacteria to other areas of the skin.


Moisturizing is necessary even for acne-prone adult males. This is because the process of cleansing and exfoliation can strip the skin of its natural oils. As a result your skin may produce more oil to compensate for the loss. This can lead to clogging of pores and acne breakouts.

Also, a moisturizer can help reduce inflammation and redness related to acne. Finally, a moisturizer can form a protective barrier on your skin that can defend it from acne-causing bacteria. Use an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer to maintain skin hydration.

Diet and lifestyle factors for adult acne

Foods that have a high glycemic value like processed items and sugary foods can elevate blood sugar. In a way they can exacerbate acne. Daily consumption can lead to hormonal imbalances and lead to breakouts. A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and fatty fish like salmon and tuna can reduce inflammation related to acne.

Stress is another factor that contributes to hormonal imbalances causing acne. It is important to stay stress free to deal with adult acne.

Skincare products to avoid

If you have adult acne then avoid using harsh scrubs, abrasive products or alcohol-based skincare products. Use fragrance-free products to reduce skin irritation.

When to seek professional help

There will be some cases of adult acne which may require professional help. If the above skincare routine and lifestyle changes don’t show any effect. Then it is time to visit a dermatologist. He or she may provide you with personalized skincare recommendations.

In conclusion

Adult acne can be due to hormonal changes, genetics or stress. A proper skincare routine and lifestyle changes can help to get rid of this problem.

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