The benefits of exfoliation for men’s skin
Created on 16th August 2023 by Avindo Gonsalves
Why men must exfoliate
Benefits of exfoliation
How many times must men exfoliate?
How to exfoliate?
Should a man exfoliate before or after shaving?
Exfoliation is a process by which dead skin cells are removed from the outermost layer of the skin. Exfoliation helps unclog pores, prevent acne, promote cell turnover and enhance the absorption of skincare products. Exfoliation can also brighten your skin and help you to look younger.
It is important to exfoliate in moderation. The number of times a man should exfoliate depends upon his skin type. Over-exfoliation can damage the skin’s protective barrier.
Many men have the misconception that exfoliation is only for women. This process is equally important for men’s skin health.
Why must men exfoliate?
Men must exfoliate more than women. Men’s skin is thicker than women’s. This is because of the higher levels of testosterone, which contributes to higher levels of collagen production. Collagen makes the skin firm. This improved firmness makes men’s skin less prone to fine lines and wrinkles.
But on the other hand, men have oilier skin than women. This can lead to clogged skin pores and acne breakouts. Men also tend to spend more time in the sun, leading to hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. Men also experience the problem of ingrown hair due to frequent shaving.
Exfoliation can help to deal with acne, clogged skin pores, uneven skin tone and ingrown hairs. Therefore men must exfoliate their skin on a regular basis.
Benefits of exfoliation
Exfoliation can help men to deal with the above skin problems that they experience. It can also have other benefits.
Exfoliation can improve skin texture
Skin texture gets affected due to dullness and skin appearing rough. This is a common problem for both men and women. But, regular exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells from the skin. These dead skin cells can make the skin appear rough and dull.
Hence by exfoliating on a regular basis men can have smoother skin texture. Smoother skin can enhance overall appearance and confidence.
Prevent ingrown hairs
Some men like to shave on a regular basis. This can give rise to the problem of ingrown hairs (hair that has re-entered the skin). Exfoliation clears dead skin cells, which are known to trap dead skin cells.
Therefore exfoliate your skin a day before shaving. This practice can help to prevent ingrown hairs.
Enhanced collagen production
Though men have a higher level of collagen as compared to women, men also spend a lot of time in the sun. Here, they come in contact with the skin’s UV rays. These rays damage collagen.
Exfoliation indirectly supports the stimulation of collagen. When you exfoliate, the dead skin cells are removed. This leads to better absorption of nutrients from skincare products like moisturizers. Some of these products can contain collagen-supporting ingredients like retinol and peptides.
Hence regular exfoliation can stimulate the production of collagen and negate the effects of sun’s UV rays. Though the effect is indirect.
Reduce acne in men
Men’s skin tends to be oilier. This can lead to a build-up of oil in skin pores. Such a build-up can trap dirt, which in turn can be a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria. Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells and unclogs skin pores.
In a way acne-causing bacteria won’t have breeding grounds. This can prevent formation of pimples. Due to this benefit that exfoliation can provide, it is important that men exfoliate on a regular basis. It becomes even more important for men with oily skin.
Even skin tone
Men tend to spend more time in the sun and come in contact with the sun’s UV rays. These rays can lead to hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. Through exfoliation one gets rid of the dead skin cells.
As a result newer and brighter skin will come in its place. Hence regular exfoliation can result in an even skin tone. Regular exfoliation is necessary for men who spend more time in the sun.
How many times must men exfoliate?
The number of times men must exfoliate depends upon their skin type. For normal and combination skin, it is recommended to exfoliate 2 times a week. You can choose between physical exfoliants like scrubs with fine particles or chemical ones like AHAs.
For oily and acne-prone skin, it is recommended to exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week. Use a BHA like salicylic acid. Also opt for oil-free products.
You must be careful if you have dry skin, as over exfoliation can lead to dryness and irritation. Exfoliate about once w week. Avoid harsh scrubs and consider using chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid or lactic acid.
Now, it is important that you start slowly and gradually increase the exfoliation frequency. This will give your skin time to adjust. Also younger men tend to have oilier skin and can exfoliate more often.
How to exfoliate the face?
First of all you must cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser. Pat your face dry. Then apply the exfoliant and massage in gentle circular motions. Keep the exfoliant on the face for the time recommended on the label. Finally, rinse off the mask and dry the face.
The above is a general way to exfoliate the skin that you can follow or you can also follow the method on the label. It will mostly be the same. After exfoliation, it is always recommended to apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Also apply a sunscreen to protect skin from further UV damage.
Should a man exfoliate before or after shaving?
You must exfoliate your face before shaving. Since exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells, dirt and oil from the skin’s surface. This can result in a smoother shaving experience and prevent ingrown hairs. It can also reduce the chances of skin irritation.
In conclusion
Men need to exfoliate more than women as they have oilier skin. Regular exfoliation can result in reduced acne and an even skin tone. Also one can get rid of ingrown hair and look younger.
The type of exfoliant and the number of times one must exfoliate depend on your skin type. Moisturize your face afterward and use a sunscreen.