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How to Combat Razor Burn and Ingrown Hairs?

Updated on 12th August 2023 by Avindo Gonsalves

Causes of razor burns and ingrown hairs

Skin types

Pre-shave preparations

Significance of using sharp blade

How to shave?

Post-shave care for ingrown hairs

Treat razor burns


Men who shave on a regular basis face shaving-related problems. Two of the most common problems are razor burns and ingrown hairs. These are not serious problems and can be prevented with proper shaving techniques.

Causes of razor burns and ingrown hairs

Razor burns are caused by friction and improper technique. They result in redness, irritation and discomfort. Ingrown hair occur from shaving against the natural direction of the hair, causing hair to re-enter the skin. They can cause red bumps, inflammation and potential infection.

Both problems can be solved by using a proper shaving practices, such as using a sharp blade, applying lubricating shaving cream and shaving in the right direction of hair growth. You can prevent ingrown hairs with regular exfoliation.

Skin types: - Razor burns and ingrown hairs

Different skin types react differently to razor burns and ingrown hairs. In case of sensitive skin, the skin can become more inflamed and may take longer to heal.  For dry skin razor burns can increase skin dryness. Hence it is important to moisturize well before shaving.

Normal skin may experience milder reactions to razor burns and ingrown hairs. However, different areas of the skin might react differently in case of combination skin. Oily skin produces more sebum. This can protect skin from razor burns. Ingrown hairs might be a problem for oily and acne-prone skin due to the clogged pores.

Now that we know the problems that razor burns and ingrown hairs can create for our skin, let us move on to finding solutions for these problems.

Pre-shave preparation

Pre-shave preparation is one of the most important steps for preventing razor burns and ingrown hairs. Softening the hair and opening up pores before shaving are vital steps that significantly improve your shaving experience.

Hair softening makes the hair easier to cut. For men with thick hair softening allows the blade to glide smoothly, reducing the chances of tugging, pulling as well as skin irritation.

By opening up the pores hair follicles are exposed for effective hair removal leading to a closer shave. This practice prevents ingrown hairs by allowing the hair to be cut at the skin’s surface.

Use warm water to soften your hair and skin. Then you can use a gentle cleanser to cleanse your skin. Additionally, exfoliate a day before shaving to remove dead skin cells, ensuring a smoother surface. These two steps can reduce the chances of razor burns and ingrown hairs.

Significance of using sharp blade

It is important to use a sharp blade to reduce razor burns and prevent ingrown hairs. A sharp blade reduces friction. This leads to less irritation and discomfort. It also provides a clean and precise cut that minimizes the risk of hair being trapped beneath the skin, preventing ingrown hairs.

Finally, a sharper blade requires less pressure, reducing the chances of razor burns. Hence, replace blades regularly to ensure an efficient and irritation-free shaving experience.

How to shave?

To prevent ingrown hairs and razor bumps, shave in the direction of hair growth. This is gentler on the skin, though it may not give the closest shave. If you want a closer shave then you need to carefully shave against the grain on the second pass. But be cautious and use light pressure.

The strokes must be smooth and not long. Rinse the razor frequently to prevent clogging. Avoid stretching the skin too much as this can lead to ingrown hairs.

Post-shave care for ingrown hairs

The problem of ingrown hairs can be further prevented with post-shave care. Apply an alcohol-free, moisturizing aftershave product. You can also use specialized ingrown hair products with salicylic acid or glycolic acid.

Treat razor burns

You can treat the redness and irritation associated with razor burns by applying cold compression. This can reduce inflammation. Rinsing with cold water can also soothe the skin. You can also apply natural soothing remedy like aloe vera gel to further calm the skin.

In conclusion

Razor burns and ingrown hairs are common problems faced by men who shave. They occur due to improper shaving techniques and use of overused blades. These can be easily prevented by using sharp blades, pre-shave routine, proper shaving technique and post-shave care.

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How to Combat Razor Burn and Ingrown Hairs?