Anti-aging creams: Effectiveness, When to start, Ingredients, FAQs & Tips
There are questions that you will need answers for when you start to use an anti-aging creams. Well we have prepared a guide for you in which we try to answer all these questions. This guide will help you to choose the best anti-aging cream. The first question that comes to any ones mined is the first one we have answered.
Do anti-aging creams work?
Most dermatologists agree that anti-aging creams do work. But you have to know a few things before buying anti-aging creams.
First thing to know is that most of the over the counter creams are less effective. This is because they contain retinol instead of retinoid. Retinoid is a type of retinol which has higher strength of retinoic acid. This makes it more effective
But to get a cream with retinoid you will need to consult a dermatologists. Creams which contain retinols will take time to show its effects.
Second thing to know is that price of the cream does not matter. You may be under the misconception that pricier the cream the better it’s effects. But this is far from reality. You need to know the components of the cream before purchasing it. If the cream has retinol and antioxidants then it’s going to work. Whether you buy it over the counter or from an expensive brand these two components are very important.
Thirdly, don’t get carried away with fancy terms on the label of the cream. At times the anti-aging creams advertise a lot of ingredients present in the cream. So it creates an impression that more the components the better the cream. This is also false. A cream with a single ingredient can work better than the one with five. Going ahead we will give you the names of important elements that an anti-wrinkle cream must have.
Also you must remember that we have different skin types. So just because a product works for your friend doesn’t mean it will work for you. You will need to choose product according to your skin type. We will get to this later.
How do anti-aging creams work?
As mentioned above anti-aging creams have retinoic acid. This is a powerful antioxidant. We have a protein called collagen in our skin that gives it strength. Free radicals that are formed due to exposure to suns UV rays damage collagen and cause skin aging.
Antioxidants help to get rid of free radicals. So anti-oxidant prevent damage to collagen and make skin firm.
Also the moisturizers present in anti-aging creams reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. There are many other ingredients present in anti-aging creams that help to prevent skin aging.
Are anti-aging creams necessary?
If you look at many elderly people their skin remains healthy despite their old age. But the reason could be just genes or they were using sunscreen from a very young age.
But in today’s age of pollution and dust it is important to use an anti-aging creams if you are showing signs of skin aging. So yes anti-aging creams are necessary.
When should I start using anti-aging products?
To answer this questing you must understand the two types of aging. They are internal and external. Aging first takes place in the inside in the form of reduced collagen formation. Starting from your twenties the dermis produces less collagen by 1 to 2 percent. The effects of this starts to show on your skin in many years in the form of external aging. This usually happens in your mid 30’s to 40’s
Therefore most people must start using anti-aging product as soon as they hit 30. If you wait for the first signs of aging like fine lines and sunken eyes, then it may be too late. So 30 is the right age to start using anti-aging creams. But if you are older than 30 then you can still use anti-aging creams to prevent further signs of aging.

Know your skin type
As mentioned above a particular brand of anti-aging cream though effective on one person won’t work on another person. This is due to the different skin types. You will need to know your skin type to choose your anti-aging cream.
For this you will have to do a simple experiment. Take a good quality botting paper and gently pat on different parts of your face. Don’t swipe. Then hold the sheet towards light. If you see no oil on it then you have dry skin. If there is oil then you have oily skin. If you have combination skin then oil will be present only on forehead and nose.
This above experiment will help you to know your skin type and in turn help you to choose a proper product for your skin. So check out whether a particular cream is suited for your skin type before choosing one.
What should I look for in an anti-aging cream?
Retinol or Retinoid: - These two are used to repair sun related damage to the skin. They help to remove the most superficial wrinkles.
Coenzyme Q10:- This enzymes helps to regulate skin cell production and is effective to remove fine wrinkles from around your eyes.
Vitamin C: - Vitamin C is well known antioxidant. It is known to protect the skin from free radicals which damage the collagen in the skin. This will allow the skin to maintain its firmness and prevent saggy skin and wrinkles. Creams with vitamin C must be stored in a way to protect them from air and sunlight.
Copper peptides: - These are molecules that can stimulate collagen production. This will improve skin firmness and get rid of wrinkles and saggy skin.
Tea extracts: - Green and black tea have certain compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This will help to protect collagen.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids: - They are used to exfoliate the skin of dead skin. This will help your skin to better absorb other nutrients in the anti-aging skin. They will also renew the skin and provide glow.
Fruit acids: - They also are good at exfoliating the skin. This eliminate dead skin cells and promote better absorption of nutrients present in the cream.
Kinetin: - This promotes collagen production, increases elasticity and decreases pigmentation.
Other advice
Use the cream daily: - You will need to use the product daily preferably at night time. This will have to be done for weeks before noticing any improvement. If you stop using anti-aging cream then your skin will return to its original appearance.
Side Effects: - It is important to choose wrinkle creams according to your skin types. Also some products may cause skin irritation and rashes. So select products that offer consumer hotline in case you have questions.
Moisturiser: - You need to use your anti-aging cream after you moisturize your skin. This has to be done at time only.
Exfoliate: - If your anti-aging cream does not have Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) or fruit acids then you will need to exfoliate your skin once a week. This is done to get rid of dead skin and open clogged pores. As a result of this your product will seep inside your skin.
Store your products properly: - Anti-aging creams have active ingredients like retinols and vitamin C. these should be kept in cool and dark places to slow down the degradation of active ingredients.
Time for effects to show: - You will have to wait for a minimum of four months to see any visible change. Though this time will vary from product to product.
FAQ’s about anti-aging creams
There are many questions our users have asked us about anti-aging creams. In this section we would like to answer most of them.
Is anti-aging cream bad for young skin?
No. anti-aging creams are not bad for young skin and you can use them in your 20’s. But we advise that it’s best to use them when you enter your early thirties. If you have signs of aging in your twenties or teens then using a sunscreen is a more effective way to prevent winkles.
If you are already using one then change it to one with higher SPF. Avoid going out in the sun during afternoon.
Is anti-aging cream natural?
No. anti-aging creams contain retinols which is a synthetic version of retinoic acid. Thus anti-aging creams are not natural. But this doesn’t mean they harm your skin or cause skin cancer. That is a big lie.
Is anti-aging cream a moisturizer?
That depends on the cream you’re buying. If the cream mentions hyaluronic acid as one of its ingredients then your cream has moisturizing agents in it.
In our opinion most creams suggested by a dermatologists act as moisturizers also.
At what age should I start applying anti-aging cream?
As mentioned above you must start using anti-aging creams in your thirties.
Can anti-aging cream cause cancer?
Anti-aging creams have been in the market for quite some time and there is no scientific evidence to relate them to skin cancer or any other form of cancer.
If they had to cause cancer then so many reputed dermatologists wouldn’t have prescribed them. It’s a modern day myth that has spread on the internet.
Can anti-aging products cause acne?
No. Anti-aging products don’t cause acne. On the contrary there are some creams that claim to help treat acne. If you have acne then it is because of the oil trapped in your skin pores.
Can a teenager use anti-aging cream?
As mentioned above it is best to start using anti-aging creams in your thirties. If you have premature wrinkles then you will need to use a sunscreen when you move out of your house.
Can I use anti-aging cream while pregnant?
Anti-aging creams have retinoid in them. Some form of retinol is said to cause severe congenital effects. So it is best to consult your doctor on the type of cream to use.
Can I use anti-aging products at 25?
As mentioned above it is best to use anti-aging creams in your 30’s
Can I use anti-aging cream while breastfeeding?
No. it is not advisable to use anti-aging creams during breastfeeding. As mentioned above all anti-aging creams consist of retinol. So, scientists don’t know yet how much of retinol will pass to your child while breastfeeding.
Therefore it is best not to use anti-aging creams during and post pregnancy.
Can anti-aging creams age you?
No. anti-aging creams don’t age you. Quite the opposite they help you to get rid of signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. This is what most dermatologists say.
Choose anti-aging cream for women
Choosing anti-aging creams doesn’t depend much on your sex. Rather you must choose the product depending on your skin type.
A woman has to avoid using anti-aging creams when she is pregnant and while breastfeeding.
Men can use anti-aging creams throughout their lives once they cross their 30’s.
Anti-aging cream for dry skin
Retinol the main ingredient in anti-aging creams works by getting rid of old skin by improving cell turnover rate. This causes your skin to become dry and flaky. So you need to be careful while using anti-aging creams if you have dry skin.
So you have to first start with over the counter product if you have dry skin as it is less potent than prescription creams. Use small amounts initially and follow up with a moisturizer.
See whether there are any side effects. If there are any then wait for a few days. If there are no reactions then use daily.
If there is persistent reaction then you can use moisturizer before and after using retinol cream.
You need to maintain the frequency and amount of usage for a couple of months and then increase. You can use an anti-aging cream of higher potency after that.
Anti-aging cream for oily skin
While choosing anti-aging cream for oily skin avoid using ones that have moisturizer in them. You can go for prescription anti-aging creams as you won’t be affected by its higher potency.
If there is any problem or side effect then you can revert to over the counter retinols.
In conclusion
There are many anti-aging creams in the market. You have to look at several parameters to find the best one for you. In our guide we have tried to explain how to choose the best anti-aging cream for you.