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Men's skincare for oily skin

Created on 13th September 2023 by Avindo Gonsalves

In recent times, men have started to take more interest in the health of their skin. Many men are doing skincare to improve the overall appearance of their skin. A consistent skincare routine becomes even more important for men with oily skin.

Oily skin makes the skin appear greasy. It can contribute to problems like blackheads and acne breakouts. Additionally, oily skin can result in enlarged skin pores. For these reasons, it is important to have a proper skincare routine that deals with the problem of oily skin.

The testosterone present in men gives rise to excess sebum production. Sebum is the oil that makes our skin appear greasy. Hence, men tend to have oilier skin than women. This oil clogs skin pores. Add to it dirt and pollution, you have an ideal environment for acne causing bacteria to breed.

The excess oil also makes our skin pores appear enlarged. Hence, you need a skincare routine that can get rid of the excess oil on skin of men with oily skin.

Skincare routine for oily skin

A normal skincare routine consists of cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection. But for oily skin you need to add exfoliation and toning.


You need to cleanse your face twice a day with a gentle, oil- free cleanser. This will remove excess oil, dirt and pollution from the face. Cleansing opens up the skin pores. This allows nutrients from other skin care products to penetrate deeper. Cleansing is a necessary step of any skincare routine.


Toners help to remove dirt that is not removed by cleansers. They also help to restore the skin’s natural pH, which prevents excessive oil production. There are some toners that have ingredients that regulate oil production.

Toning also increases the effectiveness of chemical exfoliants, which is the next step of our skincare routine. Hence, if you have oily skin it is important to use a toner after cleansing your skin.


You need to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, depending on the oiliness of your skin. This step is needed to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and reduce oiliness. Don’t use harsh physical scrubs. These can irritate the skin.

Instead use a chemical exfoliant with salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Don’t be scared of the words chemical and acid. Salicylic acid has the ability to remove excess oil from the skin as it is oil soluble. Glycolic acid is water soluble and can remove dead skin cells from your skin. This step is important if you have problem of acne and enlarged skin pores.


Men with oily skin need to moisturize their face. Many men think that this step is not necessary. This is a skincare myth. For oily skin, one needs to use an oil-free and lightweight moisturizer. Look for the term non-comedogenic on the label.

Using a moisturizer is even more important when you exfoliate your face. Exfoliation can be a drying experience for your skin. It also opens the skin pores, which can allow the nutrients from the moisturizer to penetrate deeper. Therefore, always moisturize your skin after toning or cleansing.

Sun protection

This is another important step. You must use sun protection when you go out in the sun. Use a sunscreen of SPF above 30. Re apply the same after every two hours of staying out in the sun.

Avoid staying in the sun during the afternoons. This is the time when the harmful UV rays are most intense. Men tend to spend more time in the sun and therefore it is necessary for them to wear sunscreen.

Skincare ingredients for oily skin

The most important ingredient to look for in skincare products is salicylic acid. This is good for men with oily skin as it can penetrate skin pores and unclog them. Benzoyl peroxide is good for acne as it can kill acne-causing bacteria.

Niacinamide helps to regulate oil production and minimizes skin pores. Clay and charcoal based masks can help absorb excess oil from the skin. Tea tree oil also has anti-bacterial properties. It can also reduce oiliness. Look for skincare products that contain these ingredients as they can help you to deal with the problems associated with oily skin.

How can men treat oily face naturally?

Eat a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. Also, drinking enough water is important. Water can flush out toxins from your body. Avoid processed items and sugary foods, as they can worsen acne. .

Stress is also known to trigger acne breakouts. Therefore it is important to manage stress for men with oily skin.

Other tips for men with oily skin

Avoid over-cleansing the skin as it can lead to excess oil production. Finally, don’t ignore the use of moisturizers and sun protection.

In conclusion

Oily skin in men can lead to acne breakouts, enlarged pores and greasy skin. It is important to have a proper skincare routine to avoid these problems. Also, choosing the right ingredients in skincare products are important.

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