How To look younger?

Cinnamon paste for upper lip wrinkles

Updated on 31st May 2023 by Avindo Gonsalves

What are upper lip wrinkles and their causes?

Use organic cinnamon

Benefits of cinnamon paste

A point to remember

How to make the paste?

When will you see a difference?




What are upper lip wrinkles and what are its causes?

Upper lip wrinkles are wrinkles that are formed above the lips. The most common unavoidable reason for their formation is age. As we age levels of collagen drop down and our skin loses strength. This results in wrinkles and saggy skin.

Another reason for formation of upper lip wrinkles is the exposure to the suns UV rays. These rays create free radicals in our body that damage collagen. This again results in the formation of upper lip wrinkles.

Frequent facial expressions like pursing of lips also create upper lip wrinkles. This can happen when we drink from a straw and smoke cigarettes. Our cinnamon paste for upper lip wrinkles can help you to get rid of them.

Use organic cinnamon

If you want to use cinnamon paste for upper lip wrinkles then you will have to opt for the organically grown one. This will avoid harmful chemicals and pesticides. As you apply the paste on the area above your lips, presence of chemicals and pesticides will harm your skin. So use organically grown cinnamon. Now you can surely use creams that prevent aging to get rid of upper lip wrinkles. But you will have to spend dollars for the same.

Benefits of cinnamon paste for upper lip wrinkles

Cinnamon has unique properties that help it to increase the levels of collagen in the skin. The cinnamaldehyde content is responsible for its collagen promoting effects. You can check out this scientific study about effects of cinnamon on skin aging.

Cinnamon is rich in anti-oxidants. These help to neutralize free radicals that occur due to exposure to the suns UV rays. Free radicals are known to damage collagen and cause upper lip wrinkles. You can check out this scientific study about the presence of antioxidants in cinnamon.

Cinnamon is known to promote the supply of blood. This helps blood vessels below the skin to bring blood closer to the skin surface. As a result the skin appears plumper.

When your skin is plump it reduces the appearance of upper lip wrinkles.

Cinnamon has other skin benefits. As you age your skin becomes dry and damaged. The grainy texture of cinnamon can act as an exfoliating agent. This will remove the dead skin above your upper lips and reveal bright and glowing skin underneath.

The anti-oxidant present in cinnamon will help to soften the skin and make it appear smoother.


cinnamon paste skin benefits


A point to remember

You must remember not to use the cinnamon directly on your skin. This will cause irritation and a burning sensation. Instead dilute it with carrier oils. We prefer using olive oil, coconut oil or castor oil.

How to make the paste?

For the paste you need one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Olive oil is known for its moisturizing effects. In fact you can use olive oil by itself if you want to make your skin look plumper.

Add both the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Do this till you get a paste. Apply this paste on the skin above your lips. Wash after 15 minutes with cool water. Do this twice a week.

When will you see a difference?

This paste will take it’s time show its effects. Most probably you will start to notice a difference in a couple of months’ time. You need to have patience with this cinnamon paste for upper lip wrinkles. In time it will show a difference.


We have a list of FAQ’s that we have tried to answer here. These are questions that have been asked by our readers.

How long do you keep the cinnamon paste on the lips?

The cinnamon paste has to be kept for 15 to 20 minutes as mentioned above.

Does cinnamon exfoliate lips?

As mentioned above the grainy texture of the cinnamon will help to exfoliate the skin above your lips.

Does cinnamon plump lips permanently?

No, this is temporary and you have to use cinnamon paste to plump up your lips.

In conclusion

Cinnamon paste for upper lip wrinkles is very effective. But you need to use organically grown cinnamon. Cinnamon boosts the collagen levels in your skin and its anti-oxidants neutralize skin aging effects of free radicals.

Cinnamon also improve blood supply to your skin and helps it to achieve a plump look.

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